Sunday, February 6, 2011

Wanting to be Tigger, but feeling more like Piglet...

Ok ok so the title may be a little misleading. For this very moment it refers to the fact that I WISH I had as much energy as Tigger appears to always have, but right now I am feeling more like Piglet...little, timid, stuttery & someone who needs big arms to help get to higher places. Although I do have to say Piglet would fit my eating habits lately. No, I don't eat large quantities, but rather things that really shouldn't be fitting into my diet....Piglet.....
I am doing fine. Haven't lost & haven't gained. Can we say PLATEAU?? Alright, so it's been at least 3 months that I haven't lost, well maybe a bit more than that actually...but I haven't exactly been proactive in getting this last 30lbs off. I hate cold weather, so my love of walking outside is not happening right now. I want to join a gym but cannot afford to at this time, so maybe after tax time I can check out a Zumba class or even p90x. I just would really like to tone up.
My internet at home is limited right now to only on my mobile phone. My laptop caught a nasty virus & I am going to have it cleaned & hopefully restored to its former faster self!!
Everyone here is doing fine. Kids being kids & busier than ever!
I changed jobs after 11 yrs and so far love the new chapters that are occuring in my life. My new co-workers are unique & I know I will fit right in! I do miss a few people from my old office, the ones I will always cherish & hopefully stay in contact thru on Facebook, but like my sister said "sometimes it takes a bigger bird to push you out of the nest" wink wink..
Here's a little funny I heard today..."Where do snowmen post their webpages?---On the 'winternet'. :)

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